New South Wales


 2025 NSW Branch ASM

  • When: 25-26 July 2025
  • Where: Newcastle, New South Wales

The NSW Branch is offering a Rural and Remote NSW ASM bursary to encourage and facilitate attendance at the NSW Branch Annual Scientific Meeting among members working in rural and remote areas of NSW.

The program, provided to existing AOA members, aims to provide opportunity for rural and remote emerging and practicing orthopaedic surgeons to participate in the NSW Branch ASM.

The NSW ASM will take place at the Park Proxi Gibraltar Bowral from 26 to 27 July 2024.

Two rural and remote bursaries will provide registration the NSW ASM, one for a NSW Fellow and one for a NSW trainee.  

Applications are now closed

What's included?
Successful applicants will have the opportunity to attend:

  • NSW ASM (both days) including keynote and paper presentations
  • Friday welcome dinner

What's covered?

The bursary will cover the full costs of accommodation, travel (if required), conference registration (including social functions), to an approximate value of $925.

Eligibility criteria
Applications are open to:

  • members of the NSW Branch.
  • AOA trainees (associate) member or fellow member in part-time or full-time employment capacity. 
  • any trainee or fellow maternity/paternity leave.
  • has not received other AOA awards or bursaries in the last two years.
  • members from an identified rural and/or remote area as per the Modified Monash Model M3-M7 Category.
  • financial members of AOA and of the NSW Branch.

Applicants are asked to provide brief supporting detail on their interest in the ASM and how their attendance will benefit them.

Application and selection
Members who meet all the eligibility criteria are welcome to apply. Applications are now closed

Allocation of bursaries will be undertaken by a conference bursary panel based on the following key factors:

  • eligibility criteria
  • aim of offering to support as many rural and remote geographical regions as possible
  • aim of offering to support rural and remote member representation at the NSW ASM

Applicants are encouraged to discuss their attendance at the conference with their relevant employers and supervisors.

Applicants can expect notification about the outcome of their application by 30 June 2024.

Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified of the results.

It is not possible to provide feedback on applications, and no correspondence regarding decisions on applications will be entered.

If you have any questions related to the 2024 Remote and Rural NSW ASM Bursary please contact

The NSW Branch is offering an OWL NSW ASM bursary to encourage and facilitate attendance at the NSW Branch Annual Scientific Meeting among female emerging orthopaedic surgeons.

The program, provided to existing AOA NSW OWL members, aims to achieve new and greater female member attendance at the NSW ASM. It recognises the gender-equity issues faced by emerging OWL trainees and early-career OWL fellows. 

The NSW ASM will take place at the Park Proxi Gibraltar Bowral from 26 to 27 July 2024.

Two OWL bursaries will provide registration the NSW ASM, one for a NSW fellow and one for a NSW trainee.  

Applications are now closed

What's included?
Successful applicants will have the opportunity to attend:

  • NSW ASM (both days) including keynote and paper presentations
  • Friday welcome dinner

What's covered?

The bursary will cover the full costs of accommodation, travel (if required), conference registration (including social functions), to an approximate value of $925.

Eligibility criteria
Applications are open to AOA female trainees and early-career fellows (in their first five years of practice) who:

  • are members of the NSW or ACT branches. 
  • are in a part-time or full-time employment capacity. 
  • may be on maternity leave. 
  • are financial members of AOA and of the NSW or ACT branches. 
  • have not received any other AOA awards or bursaries in the last two years.

Applicants are asked to provide brief supporting detail on their interest in the ASM and how their attendance will benefit them. 

Application and selection
Members who meet all the eligibility criteria are welcome to apply. Applications are now closed.  

Allocation of bursaries will be undertaken by a conference bursary panel based on the following key factors:

  • eligibility criteria.
  • aim to support female and early-career members from as many geographical regions as possible.
  • aim to support female members and encourage new ASM attendance.

Applicants are encouraged to discuss their attendance at the conference with their relevant employers and supervisors.

Applicants can expect notification about the outcome of their application by 30 June 2024.

Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified of the results.

It is not possible to provide feedback on applications, and no correspondence regarding decisions on applications will be entered.

If you have any questions related to the 2024 OWL NSW ASM Bursary please contact

More information about NSW Branch events can be found on the Key Events page.


Administration Beverly Hughes
Memberships Officer
AOA, Level 26
201 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000 
T 02 8071 8055
F 02 8071 8002 

Training Administration 
Tracey Yanez
NSW Training Manager – NC, NS and SS

AOA, Level 26
201 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000 
T 02 8071 8028 
F 02 8071 8002


Chair R Molnar 
Immediate Past Chair A Wines 

D Bell (Rural Representative)
T Burgess
A Chang
B Gooden
S Gupta
C Hibberd (OWL Representative)
B Hsu
G Kirsh
E O'Leary (Scientific Secretary)
R Mittal
G Selvakumaran
J Yu