John Peter Negrine
Adult Foot and Ankle Surgeon
Location: private practice, Sydney
My mentoring experience has developed through my role as Co-director of the Foot and Ankle Fellowship. Over 14 years I have worked with many local and international fellows.
My personal interests include the usual doctor's pastimes of golf and travelling as well as music. I am a violinist with the Australian Doctor's Orchestra and a bagpiper.
Mentoring appeals as when you’re young you have all the book knowledge but no experience, 'good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement.' There is much to pass on!
Abhinav (Nav) Aggarwal
Hand Surgeon
I have had the great fortune of having amazing mentors through my training and I would like to return that experience to my junior colleagues.

David Parker
Director, Sydney Orthopaedic Research Institute
I have a fellowship program and have mentored many fellows, both clinical and research, over the last 20 years. I have supervised many research projects ( PhD, Masters and other individual projects) and always have junior staff doing research under my supervision. My role in international organisations naturally involves mentoring junior surgeons from around the world.
I am an Associate Professor at University of Sydney, and am regularly involved in teaching students. Passing on knowledge, experience and helping our younger colleagues to become better than we were is how we keep the profession moving forward.
Within orthopaedics my main interest outside of clinical work is research and global education, through organisations such as the International Society for Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS) of which I am currently Vice President and the Asia Pacific Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Society (APKASS) where I served as President from 2017 until 2019. I am also a member at large of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Study Group.
Outside of work my interests are my family, music and sport.