Advertising and sponsorship 

A uniquely engaged surgical audience. 

AOA's membership comprises 98 per cent of all Australian orthopaedic surgeons. Member communications including the tri-annual flagship publication, the Bulletin, and monthly eNews are highly regarded and widely read, informing members of industry and organisational updates, member news, and events. 

Sponsored content across communication channels is vetted to ensure relevance, quality, and value for members. AOA members hold themselves, their vocation, and their association to a high standard and continue to engage strongly with member communications. 

Spring Bulletin '22


A tri-annual member-only publication providing insight into a range of matters affecting the practice of our members including legal issues, international trends, practice administration and other areas of interest relevant to consultants and trainees.

The publication is distributed in Spring, Summer, and Winter. 

Nov Dec 22 eNews


A monthly e-newsletter published to our 1900+ members detailing organisational news, industry updates, research, events and more. Four premium placements are available per edition within the 'AOA News' section for top-of-mind awareness and increased engagement. 

View a sample of the eNews and premium placements

Positions vacant advertising

The AOA website and LinkedIn offer a uniquely focused environment for advertising positions vacant. Listings posted on are also featured in the eNews

View a previous listing on LinkedIn

Opportunities and further details

For more information including content specifications and deadlines, please email

To discuss tailored advertising opportunities contact Chief Member Experience Officer Michelle White at

Key Events sponsorship

Build brand awareness and tap into a highly-specialised and focused target market by sponsoring an AOA event, conference or meeting. AOA Conference and Events Management organise a range of events across the country for surgeons at all stages of their career.

Covering our Annual Scientific Meeting, state branch meetings, sub-speciality meetings, and other opportunities. These events target members by geographical location and are an opportunity to engage with thought leaders and influencers in their communities.

For more information visit AOA Key Events or contact Alison Fallon, conference and events executive manager via

Emerging Leaders Forum (ELF)

An opportunity to support the development of future leaders in the health sector, and to nurture relationships with younger members of our own and other surgical societies. This event is a chance for delegates to network and be inspired by guest speakers from a variety of backgrounds. 

For more information on becoming a sponsor for an ELF, please contact

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) events

Orthopaedic Women’s Link (OWL) and D&I groups run a series of events and activities for AOA members and emerging doctors. These events provide a platform to increase the voices and representation of minority groups in orthopaedics.

The events and activities throughout the year include:

  • AOA OWL Workshops – held in various states and open to female-identifying medical students.
  • AOA OWL Essay – held annually and open to female-identifying medical students and doctors-in-training.
  • Champions of Change (CC) Photo Essay – held bi-annually and open to all medical students and doctors-in-training. 
 For more information on becoming a sponsor for D&I events, please contact