Flexible Working Day 2021

How have you benefited from flexible working? We’ve asked AOA members and staff how flexible working has benefited their lives. 

If you have any questions about AOA's diversity initiates, please contact owl@aoa.org.au


OWL Chair Juliette Gentle

"Flexible working is the way I have always worked. Part time work, anyway. Once, of course, my training was over. There was not flexible training when I went though. As a consultant I have never worked full time. This flexibility in my orthopaedic career allowed me to spend time with my mother when she was sick. It has allowed me to be involved with my children's school – reading, canteen, excursions. Flexibility has allowed me to contribute to medical student teaching, mentoring and now, chairing the OWL Committee."

AOA QLD Regional Managers Cindy and David Parker

“How’s that going to work?” occasionally accompanied with a sardonic smile, was the standard response when some of our previous colleagues, friends and family heard that we, husband and wife duo, were starting a new semi job share position working primarily from home. We are acutely aware of how fortunate we are to belong to an organisation where the response to our business case was the opposite. 

At the Australian Orthopaedic Association, flexible working arrangements are high on the list of priorities and embraced at every opportunity. And it works! The list of long-serving, efficient and talented employees is growing due to a committed culture of respect, trust and accountability. We are grateful to be counted among them."

David and Cindy Flex

Sarah Coll and partner

AOA member Sarah Coll

"I have flexibility because I am self-employed. I risk a loss of income and loss of referrals if I don’t work – a risk I am willing to take for my family."


AOA Strategic Programs Consultant Michelle White

"Flexibility in when and where I can work helps me not only keep on top of my work commitments but allows for a fit mind and fit body - with a quick early boxing work out and then the chance to recharge and fuel the body."

*Image taken at a favourite café after a 30-minute boxing session.
Michelle White

Michael Lutz

Champions of Change QLD Representative Michael Lutz

"Flexible working hours have been something that I have utilised since commencing private practice 13 years ago. It was always one of my goals to be involved with my children’s activities and particularly with their sport.

I have used my capacity, being self-employed, to modify my work hours to ensure that I make time to coach a number of my children’s sporting teams. Currently, I coach my daughter and sons cricket teams and I also coach my sons soccer team. I have made this commitment and Block those hours for training and games out of my work schedule.

My staff also are encouraged to be flexible with their work hours. For example, one of my staff member has a partner that works varying work hours. To minimise the transport requirements, they share their car travel to work. When her partner starts work at 6 am, she starts work at 6.30 am. On other days he might start work at 9 am and she will start at 9.30.

My staff are also encouraged to use TOIL and they can therefore adjust the length of their work day to suit their needs. I have three staff members and they coordinate amongst themselves to ensure that there is adequate cover for the office as well as their personal needs."


AOA Advocacy and Governance Manager and AOA Executive Assistant

"Helping ensure that I get the minutes done in a timely fashion" – Executive Assistant

"Working from home with my security detail/OHS officers – keeping me active and safe. They also double as background entertainment on Zooms." – Advocacy and Governance Manager

AOA Advocacy security guards