2025 SA-NT Branch Scientific Papers Day


Friday, 21-Feb-2025

Abstract Submission Form

Presenter Details

Title is required
First name is required
Last name is required
Email is required
Phone is required


AOA Membership


* Are you an AOA Member?

{do not complete if you are an AOA Associate Member (Trainee) refer to next question}


AOA Associate Member (Trainee)


* Are you an AOA Associate Member (Trainee)?


Fellow/SIMG/Service Registrar/Resident/Medical Student/Nurse


* Are you a Fellow/SIMG/Service Registrar/Resident/Medical Student/Nurse?

Intern year/level (if applicable)


Hospital Details


* Please include your current hospital site:


Declaration of interest


* Declaration

IN RELATION TO THE CONDUCT OF THIS STUDY (please select only 1 option)


Abstract Submission


* Abstract Title

Maximum 50 words. To be entered in Sentence case.

* Senior Author

Provide name of the Supervisors/Senior Author(s) (maximum of 2), at least one of whom will be attending the meeting (Mandatory). These names will be printed in brackets next to your name on the program.

* Institution(s)

Please include details of institution where the research was performed. (Mandatory) Give only institution name and city - eg Westmead Hospital, Sydney

* Authors

Presenter name to be FIRST in Capitals (Please list all authors of the abstract)

* Body of Abstract

Do not include graphs or diagrams. Use abbreviations only for common terms; for uncommon terms give abbreviation in brackets after first full use of the term. Please include Introduction, Method, Results and Conclusion as sub headings.


Does your abstract/presentation contain AOANJRR data?

If Yes, please be advised that: A draft abstract must be submitted to AOANJRR for review at least 10 days prior to the conference submission deadline. A copy of the presentation must be provided to AOANJRR for review at least 1 week prior to the date of the conference. Failure to do both may result in your presentation being withdrawn from the meeting.


* Please indicate Yes or No


If you answered "Yes" above, have you submitted your draft abstract to AOANJRR for review?


Please indicate Yes or No


Once you press the Submit button above you will be directed to a new page and confirmation of your abstract submission will be confirmed. If you are not directed to a new page please contact melissa.dobson@aoa.org.au


If you require assistance with submitting your abstract, please contact Melissa Dobson on melissa.dobson@aoa.org.au