The AOA OWL ASM Bursary Program

The AOA Champions of Change Working Group created the AOA OWL ASM Bursary Program to encourage and facilitate attendance at AOA's flagship scientific meeting among emerging female orthopaedic surgeons.

The 84th AOA Annual Scientific Meeting, with theme 'Making data the solution', will take place at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from 13 to 17 October 2024.

Eight OWL bursaries will provide registration to the ASM, open to

  • two female AOA fellows
  • two female AOA trainees
  • two female junior doctors (non-members)
  • two female medical students (non-members). 

What's included?

Successful applicants will have the opportunity to attend:

What's covered?

Full costs of the conference registration, including social functions – an approximate value of $1,400 (depending on registration category).

Eligibility criteria

Applications are open to female AOA early-career fellows (in their first ten years of practice), female AOA trainees, female junior doctors and medical students who:

  • are in a part-time or full-time employment capacity
  • may be on maternity leave
  • have not received any other AOA bursaries or prizes in the last two years.
Applicants are asked to provide brief supporting detail on their interest in the ASM and how their attendance will benefit their practice and career. 

Application and selection

Members who meet all of the eligibility criteria are welcome to apply.

Apply via the online form below by 31 June 2024. Email your completed application to


Allocation of bursaries will be undertaken by a conference bursary panel based on the following key factors:

  • eligibility criteria
  • the aim to support female and early-career members from as many geographical regions as possible
  • the aim to support female medical students and junior doctors interested in orthopaedics.

Applicants are advised to discuss their attendance at the conference with their relevant employers and supervisors.

Applicants can expect notification about the outcome of their application by 31 July 2024. Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified of the results.

It is not possible to provide feedback on applications, and no correspondence regarding decisions on applications will be entered into.
If you have any questions related to the 2024 OWL ASM Bursary Program, or are interested in financially supporting future OWL ASM Bursary Programs please contact