Becoming an AOA Trainee

Successful applicants for the 2025 intake



Benjamin Murphy
Dane Thorne
Inas Badres
Owain Critchley
Patrick Elias 
Quoc Toan Phu


Benjamin Liaw
Georgia Diebold
Hai Sherng Lee
Heidi Freeman
Megan Adams


Conor Honeywill 
Harrison Faulkner 
Joshua Xu
Maggie Allwright   
Mahsa Sarrami 
Peter Malek 
Sahand Imani 
Sarah Nicholls 
Tabish Aleemullah 


Amy Weber
Andrew Thompson
Bruno Eiras Crepaldi 
Kinh Dang  
Madeline Temple
Nicholas Coulshed
Sachit Jhingran  
Yi Ren Bong 


Amy LaBlack 
Andrea Aebischer
Anthony Truong
Hardy Jennings
Helena Franco 
Isabella Gosper 
Joseph Whittle
Mark Henderson 
Philip Frazer  
Ryan Beattie 
William Steadman 


Claire Taylor 
Jacob Brazier
Louise Wood 


Emily Bullock 
Jarrad Turner 
Jessica Perring 
Katie Wang 
Thomas England 

AOA 21 Training Program Selection Regulations for the 2025 intake

Regulations for Selection to the AOA 21 Training Program for the 2025 intake are now available. To download the Regulations, please click the link below.

2025 Training Program Selection Regulations

If you have any questions regarding the Selection Regulations, please check our 2025 Selection FAQs.

Selection applications for the 2025 intake 

The number of available training posts for any intake varies from year to year, as it is affected by accreditation of training posts and progression of existing trainees. Read more on our Selection applications for 2025 intake page

Far North Queensland (FNQ) rural training rotation pathway

Applicants who select Queensland as their primary or secondary preference will have the opportunity to indicate an interest in being considered for the Far North Queensland (FNQ) rural training rotation pathway. Find out more via the information sheet.

Please note: indicating an interest in the FNQ rural rotation will not impact the success of an application. It should only be selected if the applicant is willing to commit to an extended training experience in a rural or regional setting. The highest ranked successful applicant who has 'opted in' for the FNQ rural rotation will be offered a FNQ rural rotation post. A post outside this pathway will not be available. Please refer to clause 12.6.2 in the 2025 Training Program Selection Regulations

How to apply to the AOA 21 Training Program

Application to the AOA 21 Training Program is a two-stage process:

1.  Registration with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS)

RACS assesses each registrant against generic eligibility requirements which are common across all surgical specialties. Information on registration can be found on the RACS website.

2.  Apply to the Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA)

AOA 21 Training Program Selection applications for the 2025 intake will open on Wednesday 21 February 2024.

Overview of the Selection process

Selection process overview graphic

Selection applications for the 2025 intake

The number of available training posts for any intake varies from year to year, as it is affected by accreditation of training posts and progression of existing trainees. Read more on our Selection applications for the 2025 intake page.