2025 Asia Pacific Arthroplasty Society ASM

Vinpearl Landmark 81, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

30 Jul - 02 Aug 2025

Abstract Submission Form

Presenter Details

Title is required
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Abstract Details


* Presenter Details

Please include Presenter name, Country and brief CV (50 words)

* Institution(s)

1-4 centres where the work originated. Give only institution name and city - e.g. Hospital name and Location

* Abstract Title

Maximum 50 words

* Co-authors

List all Co-Authors

* Abstract

Maximum 400 words, excluding headings but including references. Do not include graphs or diagrams. Use abbreviations only for common terms; for uncommon terms give abbreviation in brackets after first full use of the term.

* Permission to publish abstract (if accepted) in conference app.

I give permission that this abstract, should it be accepted for presentation at the 2025 Asia Pacific Arthroplasty Society Annual Scientific Meeting, may be published in the conference app for general distribution.


Once you press the Submit button above you will be directed to a new page and confirmation of your abstract submission will be confirmed. If you are not directed to a new page please contact alison.fallon@aoa.org.au.


If you require assistance with submitting your abstract, please contact Alison Fallon on alison.fallon@aoa.org.au