2024 Australian Knee Society ASM

The Langham Hotel

17 Oct - 20 Oct 2024

Registration Form

Personal details

Title is required
First name is required
Last name is required
Address 1 is required
Suburb is required
State is required
Post code is required
Country is required
Email is required
Phone is required








Accompany Person



Wellness Activities - Friday 18 October 2024 (PM)






Coach Transfer




Please refer to the Accommodation page on the website to book directly with The Langham - if required book ASAP



Donation - Orthopaedic Outreach (fully tax deductible)

Would you like to support Orthopaedic Outreach? Outreach surgeons are Australian orthopaedic surgeons who volunteer throughout the Pacific and in the poorest parts of Asia (Donations are fully tax deductible)



Delegate List

By leaving this box unticked you are providing confirmation that your name and state of residence may be included on the delegate list which will be available for industry sponsors.



Privacy policy

The Australian Knee Society (AKS) is committed to maintaining the privacy of its members, trainees, applicants for training, suppliers, conference delegates and other individuals who interact with AKS.

AKS will be taking photos at this event. These images may be used in AKS internal publications and published on the AKS website. They will be stored securely until they are of no further use, after which they will be deleted.


Download a copy of AOA's Privacy Policy and Privacy Collection Notice. www.aoa.org.au/policy.




Registration cancellations must be made in writing to AOA Event Manager. Conference Registration and Accommodation cancellations received up to 30 days prior to the conference receive a full refund. No refund will be given for cancellations received within 30 days of the conference.



Total: $0.00


If you require assistance with registering for the meeting, please contact Alison Fallon on alison.fallon@aoa.org.au